We pay money to buy sexual service from providers. Sex is visual and physical. Sex is not an emotional connection based upon personality or inner beauty. This is a review board where guys read info from other men to determine if we will get excited during our time with various sex workers. If this was a car review site, people would talk about HP, styling, tire size, transmission quality, colour and options etc. Same things applies to the sex workers.
Women and men have fat deposits. If we didn't, we would starve when not having access to food every moment. Fat is stored energy. Nothing wrong with having cellulite. It is important for you to have fat deposits because that is what makes a woman shapely - round bum, big titties, nice curves. Curves are actually just nicely deposited fat. So, nothing to be ashamed about.
Anyways, this is the internet. There will always be guys posting hurtful or misleading things. Remember, you are a sex worker, you have the gift of your pussy, and you will always have more guys and appts than you can handle. So, don't worry about what men write about you on the board. I never care what others write in regards to reviews. I go see the girl that I am interested in regardless of what others may have to say about her.
Please post a kitty, titty or ass pic for us to enjoy. Thank you in advance. Btw, tell your boss to allow you to post more than 1 profile pic. Men are visual and need more visuals in order to book you. Post more pics and you will get more business.
I love French Canadian women. So fucking sexy.