Well, it's been a rough few weeks for me with family members and friends.
2 friends got the shot, on Astra, the other Pfizer and their follow up shots.
The Astra shot impacted him severely. He's 41, my training partner at the gym.
100% natural, he literally has the perfect build, Brad Pitt in Troy.
Anyways, he eats healthy, no injections, no juice, natty (natural).
He is on a plant based died and has been for 7 years no since his holistic wife helped him that.
He was in hospital for a week and I had to help with his dogs and his kids, while his wife had to deal with work and the kids as well.
He's slowly coming around but BEFORE the shot, NOT ONE SINGLE PROBLEM IN THE PAST YEAR.
He will be starting a facebook group against these things called "vaccines".
My other friend received Pfizer and she felt weird after the first, IMMENSE back pain on her front and left areas of her back.
She was rushed to hospital because she was having a seizure.
She's 27, tiny, butsy, beautiful, her life, her energy is nothing but healthy, healthy and happy.
Including today, she had 3 visits to Oakville Trafalgar. The doctors are concerned simply because she has not ONCE in her life had any health complications.
I have been with their family helping, but more importantly, trying to keep a happy atmosphere around the 2 sisters and 2 brothers.
It's been tough to watch them talk of old days and good times. The reality of death on the doorstep for a 27 year old WITH ZERO, NADA, NILCH, health problems is terrifying for her and everyone around her. She has terrible excruciating body pains all over, just walking and she feels "shock like" feelings all over he body.
Fuck these injections and fuck these elite scum.
I find that the majority of those willing to take it, all watch, mainstream bulllshit, TV, RADIO, old school "reliable, trustworhty" outlets.
It's the younger generations that are waking up to this genocide.
Your body's immune system will weaken if you take these shots and then you'll have the requied 'booster' shot every year.
Cuck Gates is already warning, things are going to get 10 worse before they get better.
You older folk really need to wake up and stop watching news media, backed by these elite sociopaths that are trying to essentially kill you.
I've had my stress with 2 friends after getting their injectons.
You want it, go ahead, take it, but remember, YOUR GOVERNMENT, gave these corporations with BLANKET IMMUNITY and responsibility for any libel case(s).
How nice of them.