Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
Legit services, for some its a career… for others, its evolution.Are the new girls ok with Lola taking their clients and giving them her high mileage services? Is she not poaching other girl’s clients?

… if the girl sees her client going 2 Lola… she just gotta $10 tip, Lola got $80… she can’t really complain, right? Lola just did what she would not…

Some gals, like Shallon, totally happy 2 kiss that $$$ away… she doesnt wanna do the xxxtra stuff, ever… let the other girl make some $$$, we’re both happy

… other gals think, hmm, that coulda been mine… & that menu starts a-changin’…

But nobody’s mad @ Lola… & even if they add a few more services, gonna b hard 2 equal Lola… if I can coax a lil handy